A client recently compared searching for the right candidate to hunting for a needle in a hay stack. As much as we can appreciate the metaphor, and as much as we hate to disagree with a client, we think there’s a better metaphor.
If you have the right tool, anyone with half a brain — AND the right sized magnet — can find a needle in a haystack.
So that isn’t a service we think would differentiate us.
But, to continue the metaphor, let’s say there were 200 different needles in the haystack: shoemakers’ needles, sailmakers’ needles, tailors’ and surgeons’ and acupuncturists’ needles, a few hypodermics, plus some embroidery needles — well then — THEN - we could truly differentiate ourselves as the people who could spot all the different types of needles, identify their unique applications and their key value to the person looking for just the perfect needle AND THEN we could add value by helping our clients identify exactly the right type of needle for the job at hand, and work with them to acquire it.
Now, being able to do all THAT is a special skill. And that’s what we’re really good at. And that’s what makes us different: Helping our clients determine exactly what kind of needle they need — and then identifying the top two or three of those specific needles in the local haystack.
But there’s more: Our niche - our precision focus - means that we not only keep track of all the needles as they move around in the haystack, but that we are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the relative merits of one needle over another. And thus we can usually lay our hands on just the right needle almost immediately. For more about our process, click on the PROCESS tab.